Moms have a lot of questions in their arsenal. Did you brush your teeth? Did you say please and thank you? Were you kind? Of all the questions we pose, perhaps one is the most critical for our kids’ health and the one we may overlook the most: “Where is the protein in your meal or snack?”
Kids of all ages need protein—from birth to adolescence to the teen years, protein plays a crucial role.
How adequate nutrient-rich protein intake helps your child’s health
Proteins are the building blocks of life. They comprise amino acids responsible for multiple aspects of good health, including tissue and bone health, growth, and muscle mass. Protein is found in every cell in the body, and amongst all the amino acids the body needs, nine of them (considered essential amino acids) must come from your diet. Multiple studies correlate protein intake in infancy and adolescence with growth, health, and weight. Studies also associate adequate protein earlier in life with greater height and weight later in childhood.,affects%20health%20later%20in%20life.
How much protein does your child need?
According to the NIH,,on%20age%20group%20%5B1%5D, kids 19 years of age and younger need about 0.85 to 1.2 grams per kilogram of protein per day. That means, if you have a child weighing 70 pounds, you will convert their weight in pounds to kilograms (divide 70 by 2.2), then multiply this number by 0.85 – 1.2 for their optimal range. A 70-pound child would then need about 27 grams to 38.4 grams daily. Adding nutrient-rich protein sources to meals and snacks can quickly obtain this range.
Protein-rich options for kids
Children and adolescents can obtain protein from various sources such as eggs, lean meat, beans and legumes, fish, chicken and turkey, nuts and seeds, and tofu. The most optimal source of protein, however, is dairy. Dairy consumption has been associated with better metabolic health, higher bone density and a lower risk of both diabetes and high blood pressure From cheese to yogurt to milk, dairy provides a nutrient-rich source that contains protein, calcium, and vitamins K and D. It also happens to be “kid friendly” and, many times, an easier, more convenient option over other sources to fit into the diet.
The recent attention to the importance of protein in the media has prompted an influx of “protein drinks” marketed to children and adults. Many of these options, however, contain excess sugar and additives. The milk source in these options may also come from cows that are not always living their best life. Moo’V™ Real Milk has removed these dairy downfalls and returned to the basics. Derived from happy and healthy cows, Moo’V™ milk options (vanilla, strawberry, and chocolate) provide an impressive amount of protein without all the junk you may find in other brands. Their chocolate milk contains 23g of protein, is lactose-free, and only 8g of sugar. It also is delicious. The perfect fuel for kids!
Don’t overthink it the next time you search for the perfect protein source for your child! Go real, go delicious, and go back to the basics with a protein source your kids will be asking for!
Kristin Kirkpatrick, MS, RDN
When the temperatures drop and the holiday spirit is in the air, there’s nothing better than a warm, creamy cup of hot cocoa. But what if you could enjoy all the festive flavors you love while keeping it healthy and protein-packed? Moo’V Chocolate Hot Cocoa, the perfect holiday drink for the whole family!
This quick and easy recipe is great for cozy mornings, holiday movie nights, or simply treating yourself during the hustle and bustle of the season. Share it with your loved ones and make this a holiday tradition to remember!
So grab your favorite festive mug and whip up a cup of Moo’V Chocolate Hot Cocoa today. It’s the perfect way to warm up and keep Moo’ving through the holidays!
Happy Holidays!
YES, you can have a delicious Thanksgiving dessert that’s low on sugar!
Start with the ultimate smoothie ingredient— Real Milk! Packed with 22-23g of protein, ultra-filtered, and lactose-free, it’s the perfect way to whip up a guilt-free treat everyone will love.
Cheers to dessert that’s as nutritious as it is delicious!
Chocolate Banana Smoothie Bowl
Fuel your day with this easy and delicious Chocolate Banana Smoothie Bowl made with Moo’V Real Milk!
1 bottle Moo’V™ Chocolate Milk
1 frozen banana
1 tbsp peanut butter
1 tsp cocoa powder (optional for extra chocolatey goodness)
Toppings: Banana slices & Shaved Dark chocolate or sugar free chocolate (optional)
Blend Moo’V™ Chocolate Milk, frozen banana, peanut butter, and cocoa powder until creamy.
Pour into a bowl and top with your favorite goodies!
Dig in and enjoy a protein-packed start to your day!
Moo’V Berry Smoothie
1 bottle Moo’V™ Vanilla Milk
1 cup mixed berries (fresh or frozen)
1 small banana (Optional)
Blend Moo’V™ Vanilla Milk, berries, and banana, until smooth.
Pour into a glass or fancy ice cream dish and enjoy a berry-licious burst of flavor!