By Leslie Bonci

Lets’ face it, when we think about our kid’s favorite taste preferences as well as our own, the taste of sweet is typically the first choice. Why? Foods that are sweet taste great, they can help us to relax and feel good. The tastes of bitter, salty, sour and umami can also be enjoyable but may not be the go-to for our kids.

So as parents and grandparents, how can we help our kids indulge their sweet tooth without going overboard and why? High sugary foods may not give sustained energy and may contribute to excess calorie consumption. Contrary to popular beliefs, there is no such thing as a sugar high or sugar crash, but if we want our kids to nourish to flourish, there are better options for them. We are big fans of powerful pairings – great taste that provides the energy (calories) kids need along with protein and fat to help them feel fuller for longer – This is one of the benefits of MOO’V™. MOO’V™ is food not just a beverage, and it delivers on upping the nutritional value that we can all feel good about, to help our kids strive and thrive.

Sure, fruit is great. It has a naturally sweet taste as well as fiber, vitamins, mineral and plant nutrients. And when we pair fruit with protein and fat, kids stay satisfied for longer. If your kids are begging for cookies, give them 2 and serve them with a bottle of MOO’V™. Dunking chocolate graham crackers in Horchata…delish, AND it will provide the trifecta of protein, fat, and carbs, as well as being a vitamin-mineral powerhouse.

MOO’V™ has a naturally sweet taste but also has the protein and fat to keep kids energized and satisfied over a longer period of time. Having something sweet is not a health defeat. By choosing to pour MOO’V™, you are helping to push your kids towards a #healthyselfie with something on your refrigerator shelfie.

Leslie Bonci, MPH, RDN, CSSD, LDN, is the Dietary & Nutrition Strategic Advisor at Dari® and MOO’V™ milk. With over two decades of experience, she is an expert in nutrition with many of Leslie’s blog posts center around active eating and fueling for sport. She is the Head Nutritionist for the Kansas City Chiefs and has been a consulting sports dietitian in the NFL, MLB, and NHL, and worked with Olympic athletes. Bonci has co-authored three books with an active eating focus, is a blogger for US News Eat + Run, and is a sought-after expert for television, radio, print and online media, Bonci speaks regularly on topics including “sciensationalism,” “fuels of engagement” and “communication with conviction” to help influencers and consumers debunk the junk and separate fact from fallacy.